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Ukrainian journal of occupational health 3-4 2005

Advantages of bodyplethismography and diffusion capacity in evaluation of lung function condition in patients with pneumoconiosis

Basanets A.V.

Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kiev

Full article (PDF), UKR

The problem of pneumoconioses in Ukraine needs for searching and revealing of diagnostic criteria that could be biomark¬ers of the early stage of disease. In the article there are results of lung function investigation of 543 underground miners with Pneumoconioses and 187 miners without bronchopulmonary diseases using spirometry, bodyplethismography and diffusion capacity methods. Analysis of results didn't reveal changes of spirometry indices that are criteria of obstruction. But in patients with pneumoconiosis restrictive changes of lung function were revealed by decreasing of RV. FRC, TLC and DLCO in comparison with the control group and normal levels. So, bodyplethismography is the most informative method for diag¬nostics of respiratory insufficiency in patients with pneumoconioses.

Key words: pneumoconioses, spirometry, bodyplethismography, lung volumes, DLCO


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