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Shydlovska T. A.1, Shydlovska T. V.1, Kozak M. S.1, Ovsyanik K. V. 1, Yavorovsky O. P.2, Brukhno, R. P.2, Boychuk M. A.3


1 State Institution "O. S.Kolomiychenko Institute of Otolaryngologyof National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine", Kyiv

2 Bogomolets National Medical University, Kiev

3 Department No 1 of the CNE "Consultation-Diagnostic Centre" of Obolon district, Kiev

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This research was aimed to study the quantitative characteristics of rheoencephalography in workers of noisy occupations (coal and food industries) with sensorineural hearing loss with due account of peculiarities of hygienic work conditions.

Methods and materials. 80 coal mine workers (sinkers, coal-cutters, clearing face worker) and 37 workers of food industry (mainly those engaged in beverages bottling) underwent rheoencephalography. A control group was represented by 15 healthy persons, who didn’t have any complain of hearing disorders.

Discussion of the results. The study of cerebral hemodynamics in coal and food industry workers show significant changes in rheoencephalography. There was detected a significant (P < 0,01) increase in DKI, DUI and reducing Ri, which characterized the state of the cerebral vascular tone, venous backflow and pulse blood filling intensity respectively in, both, carotid and (particularly) vertebral-basilar basins of the studied workers. A comparison of the quantitative rheoencephalography data, obtained in coal and food industry personnel, showed the most expressed changes in, both, carotid and vertebral-basilar basins in sinkers (the 1st group), characterized by more pronounced cerebral vascular tone and complicated venous backflow. The less expressed, though significant, increase was registered in coal-cutters (the 2nd group) and clearing face workers (the 3rd group). The significant, but less expressed disorders, are observed in the food industry personnel (beverage bottling workers) – the 4th group. The 4th group, represented with a, was made (0,112 ± 0,002) and (0,116 ± 0,003), DKI – (53,97 ± 0,77) and (56,02 ± 0,94) % in the carotid and vertebral-basilar basin respectively, Ri in the vertebral-basilar basin – (0,75 ± 0,04).

Conclusions. It has been established that coal and food industry workers undergo a combined harmful influence of many dangerous factors. The basic harmful factor is noise. According to the rheoencephalography data a significant (P < 0,01) (as compared to the control) increase in DKI, DUI and reducing Ri, were defined. These changes characterize the cerebral vascular tone, venous backflow and the pulse blood filling intensity, respectively, in both carotid and vertebral-basilar basins in coal and food industry workers. The revealed changes should be taken into account when treating persons with the mentioned pathologies, for evaluation of treatment effectiveness, occupational selection and professional orientation of workers with "noisy" professions in coal and food industries.

Key words: sensorineural hearing loss, occupational noise, cerebral hemodynamics, coal and food industry workers


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