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Stasishin R. O.


State Institution "Institute for Occupational Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine", Kyiv

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Introduction. In recent time, solution to the problem on the assessment of the quality of activity of specialists, working in conditions of extreme hazard, is rather topical. Monitoring of the combination of professionally important qualities of such specialists is an important provision of the proper execuition of their difficult and responsible work in unusual and changing conditions. So, further development of criteria for controlling levels of professionally important qualities in electricians of operational mobile teams (OMT), with due account of their age, is rather important.

Purpose of the study is to reveal age peculiaritiesin of the characteristic transformations in occupational activity of electricians of operational mobile teams.

Materials and methods of research. These are methods of variation statistics, claster and one-factor analyses, using a software package STATISTICA 6.1

Results. The attention is paid on that an expert assessment reflects characteristics of occupational activity with account of the complication in the executed work; a number of features of occupational activity is presented, changing significantly with age; it is shown that the age groups under consideration are not uniformed; differences in transformation of selected chractristics of occupational activity are underlined, which should be taken into consideration when monitoring.

Conclusion. There have been found not uniformed characteristics of occupational activity of electricians of operational mobile teams in all four studied age intervals. In each of them specialists of "low" and "high" work efficiency have been distinguished, most of characteristics of their occupational activity are differed significantly. A significant effect of the age factor in electricians of operational mobile teams with "low" work efficiency was found by the following charactristics: inventiveness, organization, concentration, conscientiousness and inclination to risk. For individuals with "high" work efficiency a significant effect of the age factor was recorded only by one characteristic – responsibility. The use of a set of characteristics in occupational activity, using monitoring of professionally important qualities in workers, makes it possible to maintain working capacity in specialists at high level and to increase their professional longevity.

Кey words: electericians of operating mobile teams, age, work efficiency, professionally important qualities


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