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ISSN 2223-6775 Ukrainian journal of occupational health Vol.15, No 1, 2019

Serheta I. V., Panchuk O. Y.


Pirogov National Medical University, Vinnitsya

Full article (PDF), UKR

Introduction. The professional training of qualified specialists is aimed at forming not only a certain system of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also involves the development of specific personality traits that fully meet the requirements of future occupational activity, the basis knowledge of which is studied at the institution of higher education.

Purpose of the study. Justification of the scientific basis for the implementation of comprehensive hygienic diagnostics and prognostic assessment of the professional competence of students who receive dental specialty at a higher education institution.

Materials and methods. The research was conducted on the basis of the Pirogov Nationa Medical University in Vinnitsya, where 312 students (156 girls and 156 youths) of the dental faculty had been examined. The students were divided into 2 groups for comparison: an intervention group and a control group. The specificity of the procedure in organizing the daily activity of students of the intervention group was the use of a combination of measures for optimization of the professional training, psychohygienic correction of professional adaptation and prevention of occurrence of adverse changes in the psychophysiological state of the body of future dentists at the stage of studying at the institution of higher education. The students of the control group were characterized by a traditional approach to organizing educational process. In the course of the research there were used hygienic, medical and sociological, psychophysiological, psychodiagnostic, psychological and pedagogical, epidemiological methods and methods of expert assessments and statistical analysis.

Results. It is scientifically grounded that the following are leading theoretical foundations of the hygienic diagnostics and prognostic assessment of the professional competence of students who receive dental specialty in the higher education institution: definition of the peculiarities in organization of the working process and the data of the hygienic assessment of working conditions of dentists in the use of the latest technologies of diagnosis, treatment and prevention, taking into account the results of psychophysiographic and psychographic professiographical assessment of the working process by main dental specialties, which determine the high level of professional competence of future specialists; determining and taking into account the data of the hygienic assessment of conditions of the organization of professoinal activities, the level of professionally-significant educational adaptation and the state of their health, which are tytpicalc for students who master the basic dental specialties in modern institutions of higher education; determining the peculiarities of the processes of development and formation of professionally-significant psychophysiological body functions and personality of students-dentists at different stages of higher education with due account the leading tendencies in changes of indicators of the criterial psychophysiological body functions and characteristics of the personality of students who receive dental specialty at the stage of education at a higher education institution in preformed conditions, resulting from the use of prophylactic measures. As concerns the methodological bases of hygienic diagnostics and prognostic assessment of the professional competence of students who receive the basic dental specialties it is necessary to take into account the hygienic bases of the professional assessment of psychophysiological functions and characteristics of the personality of students and the data of psychophysiograms and psychograms of professional activity in the dental specialty, which determine the degree of professional perspectives of future specialists; the use of the methodology of a comprehensive assessment of peculiarities in the course of professional adaptation and formation of a high professional suitability of students; introduction of a set of measures aimed at optimization of the professional training, psychohygienic correction in the course of professional adaptation and prevention of unfavorable changes in the psychophysiological state of the body of future dentists at the stage of studying at the higher education institution.

Conclusions. In the course of the research, theoretical and methodological bases for comprehensive hygienic diagnostics and prognostic assessment of the professional competence of students who receive dental specialty at the higher education institution have been scientifically grounded and the essence of their vocational guidance is determined.

Key words: students, dental specialty, institution of higher education, professional competence, hygienic diagnostics, prognostic assessment, scientific bases.


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ORCID ID of co-authors and their contribution to preparation and writing of the article:

Serheta I. V. (ORCID ID 0000-0002-4439-3833) - determination of the purpose and main directions of the research, participation on the process of analysis and substantiation of the conclusions.

Panchuk O. Y. (ORCID ID 0000-0002-8996-9314) - analysis of the scientific literature, conduction of scientific studies, collection, systematization and analysis of the obtained materials, scientific substantiation of main provisions of the scientific work, preparation of the conclusions.