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ISSN 2223-6775 Ukrainian journal of occupational health Vol.15, No 2, 2019

Lalymenko O.S.1, Beckelmann I.2, Kapustnik V.A.1, Zavgorodnii I.V.1, Zabashta V.F.3, Tretyakova K.O.1, Tymbota M.O.1


1Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine, Kharkiv

2 Otto-von-Guericke University, Federal Republic of Germany, Magdeburg

3 M.I. «Center for emergency medical aid and medicine of catastrophes»

Full article (PDF), RUS

Introduction. Occupational activity of teachers of high medical schools is characterized by high intensity of work associated with multi-level educational and methodical training of students, organizational, administrative, medical activities, accompanied by high emotional load. A prolonged intensive exposure to these factors of the working process can lead to development of the burnout syndrome.

The aim of the study was to study the formation of the burnout syndrome among teachers of a high medical school, taking into account the area of ​​specialization of teachers, as well as their age and gender differences.

Materials and methods. Using a Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey (MBI-GS) questionnaire, teachers from Kharkiv National Medical University, faculties of humanitarian and natural sciences and clinical department (81 respondents) were surveyed. The results were evaluated by 3 scales: “emotional exhaustion”, “depersonalization”, “personal achievements”. The risk of burnout was assessed according to the risk classification of burnout by Kalimo R. et al. The analysis was made at the significance level of p <0.05.

The results of the study. It was found that high level of emotional exhaustion was manifested in 28,6% and 10,5% of women, aged 36, of clinical and humanitarian faculties and was equally expressed in men and women aged 36-48 in teachers of the natural sciences department. The highest values ​​of moderate emotional exhaustion were found in 30,1% of men - teachers of the clinical faculty. Depersonalization was equally expressed in 21,4% of women and 20% of men, aged up to 36, who were clinical teachers and 12.5% ​​of men - teachers of natural sciences, aged from 36 to 48. The lowest level of "personal achievements" was registered in men: 25,0% in teachers of natural sciences and 20% in teachers of the clinical chair, aged 36-48; in 12,5% of teachers of natural sciences older than 48,6.

Conclusions. The majority of teachers of the medical university showed the risk of developing the burnout of moderate severity: in 28,6%, 16% of women under 36 - teachers of the clinical and humanitarian faculties, respectively; in teachers older than 48.6: 25% of men and 16,7% of women of the faculty of natural sciences and 20% of men and 14,2% of women of the clinical faculty. The high risk of burnout has been found in one respondent.

The teachers of the clinical and natural sciences faculties showed the increased emotional exhaustion and depersonalization more often than teachers of humanitarian faculty.

The level by the “personal achievements” scale was lower in men aged 36,6-48,6, in teachers of clinical and natural sciences as compared with the same indicator in teachers of the humanitarian sciences.

Key words: burnout syndrome, a high medical school teacher, occupational activity


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ORCID ID of authors and their contribution to writing the paper:

Lalimenko O. S. (ORCID ID 0000-0002-9279-1377) – determination of the purpose and implementation of the tasks of the study, data analysis, writing the article.

Beckelmann I. (ORCID ID 0000-0002-3905-3527) - formulation of tasks for identifying occupational burnout among teachers of the medical university, including management of the statistical processing of the primary material on the software equipment “Vienna test systems”.

Kapustnik V. A. (ORCID ID 0000-0002-4543-8343) - analysis of the literature data on the problem of occupational burnout among teachers of medical universities in Ukraine, data analysis, formulation of conclusions.

Zavgorodniy I. V. (ORCID ID 0000-0001-7803-3505) - research management, selection of the contingent and formation of groups for research, data analysis, formulation of conclusions.

Zabashta V. F. (ORCID ID 0000-0003-3106-2362) - systematization and analysis of the data on the distribution of respondents in areas of specialization of teaching.

Tretyakova E. A. - statistical data processing, formation of the tabular material.

Tymbota M. A. - statistical data processing, formation of the tabular material.