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Nazarenko V. I., Tereshchenko P. S., Paliychuk S. P., Nykyforuk A. I., Chui T. S.


SI «Institute for Occupational Health of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine», Kyiv

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Purpose of researches is to give a physiological and hygienic assessment of microclimate in modem office buildings and to study types of adaptive reactions in employees.

Methods of researches: sanitary and hygienic, studies of thermal state, biological age, general metabolism, peripheral blood leukocyte formula. 351 office worker of IT-sphere at enterprises of the city Kyiv have been examined.

Results indicate that the leading adverse factors at workplace of office workers are microclimatic conditions with the increased 1—7 °C temperature and relative low air humidity (20—39 %). Also, there is available the impact of work strain by indices of intellectual, sensory and neuro-emotional loads.

Conclusions: By the Classification of Work office, the microclimatic parameters, in most cases, can be referred to Class 3.1— 3.3 (harmful conditions). The unfavourable effect of microclimate is manifested as disorders in the thermal state of the body with the increase of the average body temperature by 0,2—0,7 °C. Among office workers there were found higher rates of aging, by 4,2 years, on average, excessive body weight — by 10,2 kg, increase of the general metabolism by 117 kcal/day. The following types of adaptive reactions were found in office workers: training — 48 % activation — 45 %, stress — 7 %. The gender index did not affect the type of the adaptive response. In the "stress" group there were observed higher rates of aging by 8.3 years, the increase of the number of workers with deviation from the normal body weight up to 43,8 %, which requires implementation of proper preventive measures and development of hygienic guidelines.

Key words: operator’s activity, monotony, functional state


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