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Kirsenko V.V., Yastrub T.A., Kovalenko V.F., Marchenko M.L.


Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kiev

Full article (PDF), RUS

The comparative hygienic estimation of working condition is conducted at sprinklings of sowing by herbicide and desiccant diquat (aviation, tractor-mounted spray-boom equipment and hand-held knapsack equipment) with the use of the «German» model. As the safe level of exposure (AO EL) the values of NOAEL were used in subchronic per os exposure (8 mg/kg/day),in short-term effect on the skin (5 mg/kg/day) and in inhalation exposure (0,1 mg/m3), and also values of MAC for diquat =0,05 mg/m3. The risk of inhalation effect in the use of original data 2,07—11,2 times (criterion of estimation of MAC) and 3,43—83,5 times (criteri¬on of estimation — NOAEL in short-term inhalation exposures) exceeded permissible level, while in the use of surrogate data per os the degree of risk did not exceed the value of 0,245 at the worst scenario (tractor sprinkling). The conclusion is made on the useless of surrogate data for per os exposures in the estimation of risk of inhalations and dermal exposures of diquat; for creation of safe working conditions the obligatory use of individual respiratory protection is offered during diquat spray¬ing. 0,02 mg/mn3 is offered to decrease maximum-allowable concentration of diquat in thr working area, as the more proper value corresponding to the present-day toxicological data.

Key words: professional risk assessment, diquat, new toxicological data on short-term inhalation and dermal exposures, danger of inhalation exposure, reduction of danger, individual respiratory protection


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