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ISSN 2223-6775 Ukrainian journal of occupational health Vol.15, No 2, 2019

Serheta I. V. , Panckuk O. Yu.


National medical university named after M. I. Pyrogov, Vinnystya, Ukraine

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Introduction. In the structure of the most important problems of today’s occupational health, which at present are in need of an adequate solution, the priority is given to problems of raising the level of professional ability of young people getting a certain profession, including the health care sphere.

Purpose of the study. Scientific substantiation of a set of measures for increasing the professional competence of students at institutions of higher medical education, which master the dental profession, using means of professional and applied physical training and psycho-occupational correction.

Materials and methods of investigation. The studies were conducted on the basis of Vinnytsya National Medical University named after M. I. Pyrogov. A combination of measures aimed at optimization of the professional training, psychic and occupational correction of the processes of occupational adaptation and prevention of adverse changes in the psychophysiological state of the body of future dentists at the stage of studying was used, the structure of which provided for implementation of the following steps: correction of the main modes of activity of students, implementation of exercises of professional and applied physical training, optimization of the psycho-physiological state and development of professionally significant psycho-physiological functions.

The examined students were divided into 2 groups for comparison: a control group (traditional approach to organization of educational activities) and an intervention group (using the proposed set of actions).

Results. In determining the priority areas of the effect of measures aimed at optimizing the professional training of future dentists as well as indicators for physiological and hygienic assessment of the consequences of their use, based on correlation and factor analyses, it is found that the rate of the progress, including professionally-oriented disciplines, is manifested by the availability of close connections with a combination of indicators that show the degree of development of psychophysiological functions and personality traits.

It is established that the use of the developed set of measures to optimize training, psychohygienic correction of professional adaptation and prevention of adverse changes in the psychophysiological state in the body of future dentists provides for a significant improvement in a number of indices of the functional state of the higher nervous activity, such as speed of the simple (p <0,05-0,01) and differentiated (p <0.001) visual-motor reaction, the balance of the nervous processes (p <0,01-0,001), leading characteristics of the visual sensory system (p<0,05-0,01) and coordination abilities of girls and boys (p <0,05-0,01).

In conditions of using the proposed approach, statistically significant positive changes of such personality features as situational anxiety (p <0,05), level of expressiveness of asthenic (p <0,05-0,01) and depressive (p <0, 05) states, favorable changes in the majority of characteristics of the level of the subjective control were recorded. The most pronounced positive effects of its action and, accordingly, the highest values were found in its indicators in the field of educational (work-related) process and in the attitude to their health and disease, as well as iun such personality traits as the structural features of temperament and characteristics of aggressive manifestations in an individual. The significant positive effects in introduction of a set of measures to optimize professional training, psychological and occupational correction of the process of professional adaptation and prevention of occurence of adverse changes in the psychophysiological state of the body of future dentists were supported by the data obtained during implementation of a complex assessment of the processes of formation of psychophysiological functions and peculiarities of a student's personality on the basis of using integral indicators and conjugation tables.

Conclusion. There have been scientifically grounded modern approaches to the effective use of methods of professional-applied physical training and psychological and occupational correction as the basis in the combuination of measures for increasing the professional ability of students of higher medical education institutions.

Key words: students, higher educational medical institutions, professional ability, a set of measures, professional-applied physical training, psychological and occupational correction


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ORCID ID of authors and their contribution to preparation and writing the article:

Serheta І. V. (ORCID ID 0000-0002-4439-3833) – formation of the concept of the study and determination of the purpose and main directions , analysis and substantiation of the obtained data and conclusions

Panchuk О. Yu. (ORCID ID 0000-0002-8996-9314) – analysis of the scientific literature, conduction of scientific studies, collection, systematization and analysis of the obtained mterials, scientific substantiation of main provisions of the scientific work, preparation of conclusions.