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Basanets A.V., Ostapenko T.A.


SI «Iinstitute for Occupational Health of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»

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Results of X-ray and high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of thorax in workers of asbestos-cement production have been analyzed. The most widespread HRCT-signs of chrysotile asbestos dust exposition are irregular opacities, diag¬nosed in 45,2 ± 7,6 % workers. Round opacities were reveled in 28,6 ± 6,9 % workers. The pleural plaques, which are the most specific sign of asbestos exposure were diagnosed in 11,9 ± 5,0 % workers. Additional HRCT-signs were the following: ground glass opacity, emphysema, emphysemas bulls et al. The comparative diagnostic evaluation of X-ray and HRCT was conducted. Higher diagnostics level of HRCT in comparison with X-ray in determination of signs of asbestos dust exposition was determined.

Key words: bronchopulmonary system, asbestos, high-resolution computed tomography


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