2(30) 2012
DOI xxxxxxxx
Bobko N. A.
State Institution «Institute for Occupational Health of NAMS of Ukraine», Kyiv
Full article (PDF), RUS
Based on 1224 examinations of the electricity distribution network controllers it was found that a long-term maintenance of the work tension disturbs the circadian rhythms of the blood circulation system up to their disintegration (secondary smoothing) in operators of more than 40 years in the second strained consecutive 12-hour shifts. In night shifts the maximum aged-work experienced misbalance in sympathetic-vagal regulation of the blood circulation has been revealed: towards the predominance of the vagal regulation (associated with the increase of the physiologic system strain) in tiresome shifts, towards the sympathetic one (associated with the decrease of the heart function safety) — in conditions of the «operative rest». The revealed aged- experienced changes in blood circulation system parameters reflect the increase of the physiological «price» of the activity provision and the disorder in the blood circulation, being the risk factor in development of the cardiovascular pathology.
Key words: blood circulation, operators, shift work, age, work experience
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