DOI xxxxxxxx
Zhurakhivska N.V., Ostapenko T.A., Basanets A.V.
State Institution «Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine», Kiev
The results of clinical and genealogical examination of families of patients with chronic nonspecific pulmonary disease and pulmonary fibrosis and those of healthy workers of asbestos-cement enterprises are presented in the article.
151 healthy subjects (control group) and 124 patients with pulmonary pathology (a case group) were examined, using a clinico-genealogical method. They had minimum 5 years of work experience at asbestos-cement enterprises. A case group consisted of 78 persons with pulmonary fibrosis and 46 persons with chronic nonspecific pulmonary disease.
19 % workers with pulmonary fibrosis had family cases of nonspecific pulmonary pathology and 17 % workers with chronic nonspecific pulmonary disease. 27 % workers in the control group had relatives with nonspecific pulmonary pathology. The difference was not statistically significant for the described frequencies (p > 0,05).
The obtained data allow to conclude the lack of association of familial aggregation of nonspecific pulmonary disease with the chronic nonspecific pulmonary disease and pulmonary fibrosis development in workers of asbestos-cement enterprises in Ukraine.
Key words: chronic nonspecific pulmonary disease, pulmonary fibrosis, chrysotile asbestos, clinico-genealogical study