Demetska O. V.1, Tkachenko T. Yu.1, Movchan V. A.1, Andrusyshyna I. M.1, Vasilyev V. I.2
1 SI «Institute for Occupational Health of NAMS of Ukraine», Kyiv
2 Institute of Physics of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Background. The number of people, who contact professionally with nanomaterials, permanently increases. Purpose. To evaluate potential risk for an operator at workplace in the use of the E-beam device UE-202 in manufacturing nanomaterials and nanopowders. Materials and methods. The chemical analysis of samples was carried out by ІСР-АЕС method, using the spectrometer Optima 2100 DV. The concentration of nanoparticles in the working zone air was measured with the diffusion aerosol spectrometer DAS-2702. The risk was evaluated using a «control banding» method. Results. The maximum concentrations of particles with sizes between 1 and 100 nm exceeded the test levels on conditions of ceasing the work with the E-beam device in the closed camera. The concentrations of the nanosized nickel, chromium, and zinc exceeded the calculated TLVs for nanomaterials even on conditions, when «macrosubstance» concentrations did not exceed TLVs. On the contrary, the calculated risk levels of the combined effect indicate the absence of the adverse effect on workers (on conditions of the device stopping and its working in the warm season). Conclusions. The closed technological process of nanoparticles manufacturing does not always guarantee the safety for workers. When evaluating the risk at workplace, where nanotechnologies are used, the information on the mass concentration of the nanosized substances is more useful than the data about the number of particles. The risk minimization measures have been proposed.
Keywords: nanotechnology, nanoparticles, working zone air, potentional risk