Bogomolets National Medical University, Department of Hygiene and Ecology, Kyiv
Introduction. Analysis of Ukrainian and foreign sources of literature shows that the number and range of pesticides, used in agriculture, particularly in vegetable growing, increases annually.
Aim of the study. To study and generalize the world and domestic literature data, concerning chemical application in modern integrated vegetable growing protection systems.
Materials and methods. The analytical review of scientific publications was executed Vernadsky National library of Ukraine abstract database, US EPA, FAO/WHO, SANCO, EFSA databases, and Extoxnet, Fluoridealert electronic sources. The analysis of «Lists of pesticides and agrochemicals allowed to application in Ukraine» over the last decade has been made.
Results. One of the reasons of the abovementioned is resistance development in pathogens to the action of pesticides, reducing their effectiveness, resulting in the need to increase application rates and the number of crop treatments. The comparative analysis of the «List of pesticides and agrochemicals allowed for application in Ukraine» over the last decade shows that during this period the number of pesticides has increased almost four times, mainly due to herbicides and seed treatment formulations. The range of the combined preparations and tank mixtures of pesticides was increased most significantly both for single and multipurpose application. It is found that rates of growth of pesticides over the years have been increased. Thus, if during the period of 2002–2006 the annual amount of pesticides was increased by 36–37 preparations, in the period of 2007–2012 it was by 149 preparations. In such conditions, there is a risk of the environment pollution by plant protection chemicals and, as a result, the probability of development of harmful effects on the human health.
Conclusion. The results of longterm studies conducted both in Ukraine and in a number of developed countries and field fullscale studies confirm the growth of the negative impact on the health of people handling pesticides, or living in the contaminated territories. The effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, on parenchymal organs, morphological composition of blood and lipid peroxidation processes, has been proved. Also, there is evidence of mutagenic, carcinogenic effect of pesticides, the impact on the reproductive system, embryofetal development, allergic diseases, etc.
Key words: chemicals, pesticides, vegetable growing, environmental health, diseases of chemical etiology