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Chaikovsky I. A.1, Kalnysh V. V.2, Krivova O. A.3, Kozak L. M.3, Vyrovoy Y. S.1, Frolov Y. A.1


1Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics, Kyiv

2SI "Institute for occupational health of NAMS of Ukraine", Kyiv 3IRTC IT a S of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Full article (PDF), RUS

Introduction. Heart rate variability (HRV) research is of great importance not only for assessment of the functional state of the body, but also for diagnostics of emotional reactions. The lack of a unique relation between changes of HRV indices and emotional reactions remains to be a great problem. Furthermore, in the practice of HRV analysis there is no consensus in respect of the list of HR indices, recommended for classifying and identification of emotional reactions.

Purpose of the study. To identify a set of informative HRV indices to be used as an objective criterion for assessment of emotional reactions in operators (on emotionally significant video clips).

Materials and methods. In order to analyze a subjective component of emotional reactions in operators (29 persons) on three test video (positive, negative, and neutral from the FilmStim database) there have been used psychophysiological methods. The objective component was studied using ECG-monitoring with 48 indices of HRV, obtained by hourly, spectral, geometric and nonlinear methods of analysis. Statistical analyses were performed using a statistical software package STATISTICA 10. The multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to analyze the effect of video clips.

Results. The data were explored to meet the assumptions for using MANOVA. One-way MANOVA revealed that 6 indicators of emotional reactions (2 self-report measures and 4 HRV measures HR, SI, LF, MF) were statistically significant (Wilks' Lambda = 0,525, F = 4,306, p < 0,001) with effect size of eta2 = 0,22. We analyzed these 6 informative indicators, using different post-hoc univariate F test for between-stimuli comparison. Also, Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Walls H-test were used for variables (SI, LF) with non-Gaussian distribution. Stepwise linear discriminant analysis was performed to identify a new informative feature set, consisting of the most significant indicators for improving the classification of emotional reactions. The total average classification accuracy of 4 states in operators achieved 95,68 %.

Conclusions. In the present study it has been developed a method of statistical analysis of subjective and objective components of operators’ reaction on different emotional modality stimuli. The method covers: descriptive, multivariate analysis of variance, linear discriminant analysis. It was shown that indices of HRV (HR, average R-R intervals, SI, LF, MF) and some others (PNN50, ND, SampEn, LXS) can be reasonably considered as physiological markers for measurement of emotional reactions.

Key words: heart rate variability, emotionally significant situations, emotional reaction, MANOVA, linear discriminant analysis


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