Salyukov A. О.
SI «Institute for Occupational Health of NAMS of Ukraine», Kyiv
The assessment of work conditions and exposure to natural ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in workers of wine-growing and wine-making has been made (in Crimea). It is established that workers of wine-growing are exposed to harmful occupational factors (dass 3.4 of harmfulness) — chemical, physical, work strain and work hardness. One of the most important factors in formation of the work-related pathology in this branch is excessive exposure to natural UVR. The risk of pathology development, caused by UVR, is growing due to improper use of protective clothing and increase of the duration of a working day for more than 8 hours. The workers of wine-making industry also experience harmful effect of factors of work environment (dass 3.2 of harmfulness) — chemical, physical, biological as well as work strain and work hardness. However, the harmful effect of the natural UVR is not typical of them, enabling to form a «control group» of them for conducting epidemiological studies on the effect of the natural UVR. The obtained results can be used as a scientific base for elaboration of a number of measures of primary prevention of the pathology, caused by UVR.
Keywords: wine-growing, work conditions, natural ultraviolet radiation, exposure levels