Nazarenko V.I.
SI «Institute for Occupational Health» of AMS of Ukraine, Kyiv
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The studies of the chronic (8 months) exposure of physical factors of different energetic nature: the magnetic field (MF) 50 Hz of 7, 250 and 7000 mkT levels of white noise (80 dBA) and high air temperature (28? C) in different combinations were conducted on white rats in experimental conditions. It was established that the peculiarity of the biological action of physical factors is their polytropicity in combination with their selectivity, which by the strength of their effect on selected physio-logical body systems, can be defined in such sequence: for MF 50 Hz — blood circulation systemt, the system of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant protection (POL/AOP), central nerves system (CNS); for noise — CNS, the system of POL/AOP, blood circulation system; for high air temperature — haematological indices, blood circulation system, POL/AOP Basing on the conducted studies it was supposed that biological integration of the combined action of factors can be developed at different hierarchical levels of the structural functional organization of the body; however, a universal link of such interaction of these effects are CNS and POL/AOP systems. By the trends of the functional changes (slowing of the heart rhythm, increase in the leucocytes number, decrease of haemoglobin contents in blood, disorders of the thermoregulation function) it was established the similarity of the biological action of MF 50 Hz with 7 mkT and 7000 mkT levels, pointing to the actuality of the problem of «low levels» concerning the effect of electromagnetic fields of industrial frequency on biological subjects. The unfavourable effect of low levels of MF 50 Hz on the body requires the development of the appropriate methodical approaches to hygienic regulation of this factor, especially, in respect of its long-term exposure in combination with noise and high air temperature.
Key words: combined action, magnetic field 50 Hz, noise, high temperature, air, low levels, chronic exposure
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