3(11) '2007
Kundiev Y.I., Nahoma А.М., Varyvonchyk D.V.
Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Full article (PDF), UKR
The studies revealed that exposure to carcinogenic agents for workers in different spheres of economic activity in Ukraine is the same as in EU countries. The risk of such exposure in Ukraine is higher than in EU countries due to a great number of workers engaged in transportation, processing industry, agriculture and forestry. It was determined that morbidity rates of «occupational cancer» in EU countries makes 10,1 (lim: 5,7—12,7) per 100 000 workers exposed to carcinogenic agents in production per year. The prognosis shows that the expected number of such patients in Ukraine can make by the «bad prog-nosis» — 343 (lim: 194—432) cases a year, by the «better prognosis» — 88 (lim: 50—111) cases a year. In this, the annual num¬ber of the established diseases in «occupational cancer» over the period of 1992—2006 makes only 6,0—14,0% of the expect¬ed number of such patients. The trends of further scientific studies in epidemiology and prevention of «occupational cancer» in Ukraine have been determined.
Key words: production, carcinogenic agents, occupational cancer, prognosis, epidemiology, scientific studies
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