2 '2005
Alekseyeva L.M.
Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Full article (PDF), RUS
In Antarctic a person is exposed to a combination of extreme factors resulting in various reorganizations in the functional sys¬tems of the body, including their normal biological rhythms. The results of studies of daily rhythm changes in human psy- chophysioligical functions during Antarctic wintering (8-th Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition) are presented. It is shown that seasonal changes in the stmeture of daily rhythms of human psychophysioligical parameters in conditions of Antarctic are featured by the most expressed deviations from the usual biorhythm in the initial (Antarctic autumn) and the final (Antarctic summer) periods of wintering, by time shifts of minimum and maximum acrophases and, also, by changes of daily average levels and amplitudes of daily rhythms.
Key words: daily rhythm, biorhythm, psychophysioligical functions, winterers, Antarctic
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