Melnyk N. A.
State Institution "Institute for Occupational Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine", Kyiv
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Introduction. One of the first manifestations of the toxic effect of lead compounds on the body is development of processes of free radical lipid peroxidation (LP) in blood, liver, kidneys, heart, brain. At the same time a problem on the effect of lead nanopartcles (NP) on the state of the system of lipid peroxidation and on antioxidant defense (AOD) of the body in their application onto the damaged skin remains to be open.
Purpose of the study. Characterization of processes of LP and AOD in rats, exposed to lead of different size through the undamaged skin.
Materials and methods. An experimental model on chronic intoxication with NP of PbS was tested on rats. For this purpose there have been used colloids of NP of PbS, sized 12,5 nm and 100,0 nm, stabilized in 1,0 % and 0,5 % of gelatin water solutions. Also, a water solution of lead acetate (LA) with NP, sized 700,0 nm, was used. 1 ml of the main colloid solution was diluted with 5-fold volume of the deionized water before the application, then the skin of animals of 2 sm2 square, was covered with 1 cm3 of NP solution. The activity of LP was defined by the concentration of TBC-active products – malondialdehyde (MDA) in blood serum (by Mihara method, modified by E.N. Korobeinikova and the characteristics of processes, directed at the antioxidant defense of the body by indices of the catalase enzyme activity (CT, Class 1.11.1 6) by M.A. Korolyuk method and superoxide dismutase (SOD, Class1.1.15.1) by the method, described by E.E. Dubinina, in erythrocytes.
Results. The above mentioned studies show that NP of PbS, sized 12,5 nm and 100,0 nm, are capable to induce disorders in LP system and in AOD in rats. This is seen from statistical significant increase (pu < 0,05) in blood serum of the examined rats in comparison with the control, in the index of MAS concentration and in inhibition of the activity of CT and SOD enzymes in erythrocytes. Nanoparticles of PbS , sized 12,5 and 100,0 nm, by the character of biochemical changes, manifest more expressed toxic effect in comparison with lead acetate.
Conclusion. The effect of nonorganic lead compounds, presented by particles of macro- and nanometric range, of 3 months duration in their application on the undamaged skin is accompanied by development of oxidative stress in rats.
Key words: rat’s skin, lead nanoparticles, peroxide oxidation of lipids, antioxidant system
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