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2 '2005

Lubyanova I.P.


Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kiev

Full article (PDF), RUS

The information on the body iron overload in welders under the inhalation route of entry is presented in that anicle. The examinations of 356 ferrous metal welders show that the mean content of iron in the whole blood (Fe^), which exceeds the upper level of the norm (52 ntg/l), was recorded in almost the half of the examined persons (46±3,9%). The degree of trans¬ferrin iron saturation (TS%) in welders exceeded the level being critical for hemocromatosis development (45%) in I2,6±3,7% practically healthy welders. In welders with lungs occupational pathology the mean values of Feb| and Fe*,, TS% and the number of patients with high values of iron metabolism were increasing. The mean content of Fe*.r andTS% depend¬ed on the intensity of the welding process and on the welder’s length of employment. Significant increase of iron content in the plasma ferritin, in transferrin of blood cell elements as well as free iron were recorded in welders with the lungs occupa¬tional pathology. These indices as well as others which characterize carbohydrate metabolism and the functional state of the liver were worsening in the group of patients with TS >45%.

Key words: secondary body iron intoxication, electric welders, chronic intoxication, transferrin, ferritin


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