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Shydlovska T. A., Shydlovska T. V., Petruk L. G.


SI «Institute of Otolaryngology named after Prof. O. S. Kolomiychenko NAMS of Ukraine», Kiev

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Purpose. The problem of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of sensorineural hearing loss (SHL), especially professional, retains much medical and social actuality. On the other hand, fairly significant changes may occur in the auditory analyzer under the influence of strong transient sounds what qualifies as acute acoustic trauma, and in recent years the number of cases increases. Objective. Comparative analysis of the temporal parameters of long­latency auditory evoked potentials (LAEP) in patients with acoustic trauma and «noisy» production workers with sensorineural hearing loss.

Materials and methods. In the work the results of examination of 84 patients with acoustic trauma, 15 healthy as the control group and 15 workers employed on ’noise’ occupations as a comparison group are given. Subjective audiometry was fully carried out by clinical audiometer AC­40 «Interacoustics» (Denmark).

Results. There is no significant difference between the control group and any of the patients groups we studied in LPP components P1, N1. In both groups of patients – people with acoustic trauma and «noisy» production workers – was a significant (P < 0,05) deviation from the reference values of the LPP component N2 LAEP. Thus, after 1 kHz tone stimulatation indices were (284,2 ± 4,1) ms and (273,5 ± 2,9) ms accordingly, and after 4 kHz tone stimulation – (285,9 ± 5,1) ms and (271,1 ± 3,8) ms. And the LPP N2 LAEP indices did not differ significantly among the groups of patients. Also identified a significant (P < 0,05) prolongation of LPP P2 index in the studied patients with acoustic trauma to (181,8 ± 4,6) ms for 1 kHz ipsilateral stimulation, and (188,4 ± 5,3) ms – 4 kHz relevantly to both control and comparison group.

Conclusion. According to AEP identified disorders in the cortical auditory analyzer in «noise» production workers and patients with acoustic trauma indicate the advisability of the study not only the peripheral part of the auditory analyzer, but also central, in particular, its cortical structures. The LP component P2 LAEP increase in patients with acoustic trauma evidences the involvement of the deeper brain structures, which in particular relate to limbic­reticular formation. The LPP component P2 LAEP increase can display the failure of compensatory­adaptive mechanisms in the implementation of stress reactions in response to acoustic trauma.

Key words: sensorineural hearing loss, acoustic trauma, auditory evoked potentials, auditory analyzer


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