Marchenko M.I.1, Bezdenezhnykh N.A.2, Kudriavets Y.l.2
1Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kiev
2Institute of experimental pathology, oncology and radiobiology n. R.E. Kavetsky of NAN of Ukraine, Kiev
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In order to model the assessment of chemical toxicity of cells in vitro experiments have been conducted, using human cells of different origin (carcinomic alveolar basal epithelial cells and hepatocarcinoma cell line A-549, A-549IFN, Hep-G2). Two basic tests were used for comparative studies, where the number of viable cells was estimated in the culture — MTT (methyl tetrazolium test) and sulforhodamine B method. For the test, four samples of different salts of heavy metals — MnS04, CdS04, Pb acetate and HgCl2, were taken, being the most prevalent in the environment. It was established that two different methods for the analysis in vitro did not differ significantly from each other by sensitivity (according to the concentration 1C, resulting in 50 % loss of cells in vitro). However, for the purpose of monitoring of a greater number of chemical substances the sulforhodamine B method is more acceptable and not so expensive. It was confirmed that cells of different tissue origin dif¬fered by sensitivity to some xenobiotics. It is shown that modification of cells in a long-term exposure to interferon can increase cell sensitivity to salts of some metals. The results obtained in vitro correspond to the results of studies on acute tox¬icity of heavy metals in vivo tests.
Key words: basal cytotoxicity, IC50, cell cultures, heavy metals, MTT-test, sulforhodamine B method, interferon modified cells
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