Kundiev Y.I., Nahorna A.M, Dobrovolsky L.O.
SI «Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine», Kyiv
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The data related to occupational morbidity in Ukraine and in other countries over the period of 1996—2007are laid down in the article.. The comparative characteristics of the morbidity shows that the main occupational pathology in Ukraine is rep-resented by dust lung diseases in workers, engaged in mine industry, whereas in Western countries it is presented by diseases of the musculoskeletal system, hearing disorders in workers, engaged in machine building and service. The differences are associated with peculiarities in the distribution of workers in sectors of the national economy in different countries, differ¬ences in methodical approaches and detection and registration of occupational diseases.
Key words: occupational morbidity, Ukraine, European Union, USA, comparative analysis
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