Kucheruk T.K., Korshun M.N., Salnikova N.A.
Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kiev
Full article (PDF), RUS
The multi-component and changeable character of air content in welder’s working zone makes it difficult to conduct sani¬tary control and a hygienic assessment. It is due to gaseous and vapor phase of the welding aerosol (WA) and depends on the content of materials involved into a welding process (steel of different types), welding materials (electrodes, cords), condi¬tions of welding (under (lux, argon, etc.).In the article it is postulated that it is impossible (with due of the above) to ground a universal, using a gravimetric analysis, a hygienic standard for a «welding dust» following which safe work conditions for workers exposed to a «welding aerosol» can be guaranteed. The authors suppose that, at present, the only possible control of welder’s working conditions is by the com¬ponents of welding aerosols, which are representative from the point of view of sanitary and toxicological requirements, i.e. by solid constituent of the welding aerosol (SCWA) and by gas constituent of the welding aerosol (GCWA), with estimation of the obtained data, taking into account the presence of substances of the same direction in the WA.
Key words: welding aerosol, SCWA, GCWA, hygienic regulation, working zone air, control
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