Kalchenko A. M.
SI «Institute for Occupational Health of NAMS of Ukraine», Kiev
The role of behavior is a decisive factor in formation of prophylactic knowledge, ability, skills, which can promote the decrease in the risk of occupational HIV infection. The role of psychophysiological factors in this process was studied insufficiently. Purpose — to determine the key behavioral psychophysiological factors, promoting the probability of high risk behavior in occupationally HIV-infected individuals. Materials and methods. 981 medical workers (stationary departments of surgery, phthysiology, therapy) were examined, divided into 2 groups: (I) availability and (II) unavailability of accidents at workplace, promoting HIV infection. The psychological characteristics have been studied in medical workers, using such questionnaires: «MMPI» (mini-mult), «Rotter Locus Control», «Readiness to Shubert risk», «Maslach-Jackson rate of burn-out», «Weissman rate of occupational stress». Results. It has been determined that psychological factors can increase the risk of HIV infection, because of changes in the behavior of a worker, provided by the mentioned factors: 1) hysteria, hypomania, psychopathy; 2) external control locus; 3) excessive risk readiness; 4) professional emotional burn-out; 5) excessive rate of occupational stress. The need is in method optimization for prophylactic education with account of psychological peculiarities and mechanisms of workers’ behavior.
Keywords: HIV, occupational danger, psychological factors, prevention, medical workers