State Institution "Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Chair of Occupational Diseases and Clinical Immunology
Introduction. Cancer morbidity is one of the most pressing problems of nowadays. Up to 4.0% of patients of the total number of newly registered patients are patients with occupational cancer. In the structure of morbidity, the first place in males is lung cancer - 22, 3%. The treatment of lung tumors covers three main directions: surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Along with positive results there have been revealed manifestations of concomitant complications in the cardiovascular system.
The purpose of the studys was to analyze peculiarities of lesions in the cardiovascular system and personal characteristics in patients with lung cancer after surgical treatment and polychemotherapy.
Materials and methods: The study included 60 middle-aged 50.4 ± 2.3 patients. Among the examined persons there were 49 men (81.0%) and 11 women (19.0%). The disease duration averaged 5 months. There were used clinico-laboratory, electrophysiological (electrocardiography, Holter monitoring of electrocardiograms, X-ray and computed tomography of the lungs), sociological and psychological methods. Methods of mathematical statistics were used for processing the results: primary statistics, cluster and regression analysis.
Results and its discussion. The main complications after the combined therapy in patients with lung cancer were: pain syndrome - 1.6%; pulmonary insufficiency of the 1st degree - 13.0%, of the 2nd degree - 23.4%; hypoventilation of one of the lungs - 1.6%; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - 5.0%. Among the concomitant pathologies there were: arterial hypertension - 5.0%, metabolic cardiomyopathy - 1.6%, coronary heart disease - 8.2%, diabetes mellitus - 1.6%. According to the ECG data, the following changes have been identified: polytopic extrasystoles - 25.0%; incomplete blockade of the His bundle feet - 67.0%; conduction disturbance - 75.0% and processes of the myocardial repolarization - 30.0%. The formation of a desadaptive attitude towards the disease was revealed in 97.3% of patients, which significantly impaired their rehabilitation opportunities.
Conclusions: The peculiarities of lesions of the cardiovascular system and the psychological state of patients undergoing chemotherapy courses confirmed the need to supplement the examination protocol of such patients not only with the electrocardiography data, but also with daily monitoring of the electrocardiogram and in-depth psychological examination for their timely correction as a part of the rehabilitation measures.
Key words: cardiovascular complications, lungs cancer, polychemotherapy.
ORCID ID of co-authors and their contribution to preparation and writing of the article:
Rodionova V.V. (ORCID ID 0000-0002-0221-5625): idea of the investigation, analysis of certain principles, substantiation of the conclusions.
Gashynova E.Y. (ORCID ID 0000-0003-2955-9687): analysis of the obtained results, tables, certain statistical calculations.
Drozdov V.A. (ORCID ID 0000-0001-6565-5858): collection and analysis of the materials, statistical calculations, writing of the article.