DOI xxxxxxxx
Lastovchenko V.B., Tkachenko O.M.
SI «Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine», Kyiv
Full article (PDF), RUS
The phase structure of daily biorhythms in the assessment of the self-estimation of the state and indices of cardiovascular sys¬tem in dispatchers of the underground and operators of the atomic electric station in shift work schedules as well as in volun¬teers in conditions of modeling mental activity of the operator’s type of work and the shift-work schedule has been analyzed. It was established in the experiment that high level of strain is a factor causing development of de-synchronosis independently. The expressed manifestations of desynchronosis in operators and dispatchers were caused by the combined action of the stres- sogenic factors — shift-work schedule and work strain.
Key words: daily rhythms, desynchronosis, shift-work, dispatchers of the underground, operators of the atomic station, work strain
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