Chernyuk V. I.1, Abrahamovych O. O.2, Mazur V. V.2, Peleshko O. S.2
1SI «Institute for Occupational Health of NAMS of Ukraine», Kyiv
2Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Lviv
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Background. Incidence of vibration disease makes each year from 10 to 15% in general structure of occupational diseases. In spite of rather extensive study of vibration disease in the past, there are still a lot of disputable issues in its diagnosis, prevention and treatment.
Purpose of the study. To improve methods of early diagnosis and complex pharmacoprophylaxis of vibration disease and hands vegeto-sensory polyneuropathy among miners of collieries in Lviv-Volun region.
Materials and methods. There have been examined 118 patients with vibration disease and hands vegeto- sensory polyneuropathy. The control group consisted of 40 healthy miners. The study included clinical examinations, instrumental methods and mathematical processing of the obtained data.
Results of the study. Advantage of electroneuromiography and variability of heart rate methods for early diagnostics and objectivization of diagnosis of vibration disease and hands vegeto-sensory polyneuropathy at miners in comparison with traditional methods were established. Lipoic acid drugs are recommended for pharmacological prevention and treatment of vibration disease and hands vegeto-sensory polyneuropathy (Dialipon — 600 mg/day, 1 pill for 60 days) in complex with traditional drugs.
Key words: vibration disease, hands vegeto-sensory polyneuropathy, electroneuromyography, lipoic acid, miners
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