Stezhka V.A.
SI «Institute for Occupational Health» of AMS of Ukraine, Kyiv
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The cohort of 256 workers of main and auxiliary professions and engineering-technical personnel of the plant for microbio-logical synthesis of proteolytic enzymes (alkali and neutral phosphatase, glucoamylase, pectofoetidin, protosubtiline) with the use of microorganisms-producents of Bac.subtilis, Asp. Foetidus, Asp.Awamori was studied in respect of the activity of free radical lipid peroxidation in the blood plasma and for the analysis of the purity of detection of chronic somatic pathology. It was established that the intensity of the exposure to the dust of proteolytic enzymes and microbes-producents of the bron-chopulmonary system in workers, formation of free radical pathological process of peroxidation on the background of the functional insufficiency of the body antioxidant defense are leading chains in the mechanism of damaging such system resulting in the increase of the possibility to determine the prevalence of the pathology of the inflammatory genesis. Taking into account the established peculiarities of disorders in the body prooxidant-antioxidant equilibrium it is reasonable to use spe¬cial pharmacological means with the antioxidant type of pharmacological effect for correcting and preventing the mentioned and probable delayed effects in the selected categories of workers.
Key words: microbiological synthesis, microbes-producents, proteolytic enzymes, free radical lipid peroxidation, chronic somatic pathology
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