Ukrainian journal of occupational health 3-4 2005
Effect of fatigue on cardiovascular system functioning in human-operators of mental work under 2-day rotation of 12-hour shifts
Bobko N.A.
Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kiev
Full article (PDF), RUS
Heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressures were registered in electricity distribution network controllers at the begin¬ning and the end of the working shift (1826 subject-observations) and also every 2 hours during a shift (1224 subject-observa¬tions). Controllers evaluated their fatigue at the end of a shift using 5 anchor scale. It was revealed that fatigue development at the day shifts was characterised by interactive changes in tunctioning of the cardiovascular system (CVS), while at night shifts the changes in some of its parameters were pronounced, but not interactive. This could evidence the involvement of the central regulation mechanisms for the body functional interactions at the day time and predominance of the peripheric mecha¬nisms at night. Paradoxical character of the dependence of within-shift variations in parameters of CVS functioning on the fatigue level caused by the performed work done, that was revealed at the second consecutive 12-hour shifts, probably, evi¬dences the insensitivity of a human being to the increase of the physiological cost of the performed work done on the part of the CVS at the stage of the exhaustion of its resources.
Key words: fatique, human-operators of mental work, 12-hour shifts, cardiovascular system
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