Bobko N.A.
Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kiev
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Blood pressure and heart rate were measured in electricity distribution network controllers working 12-hour shifts under 2-day rotation (3050 subject-observations). Perceived strain was self-estimated using a 5-anchor scale. Strain at the day shifts was found to be maintaining mainly by vascular part of blood circulation selfregulation, at the night shifts - by cardiac part, probably, owing to the attenuation of vascular regulation at night. Paradoxical character of blood pressure reaction on the strain increase was revealed at the second consecutive shifts evidencing the attenuation of vascular regulation under remained fatigue after the first shift. The starting level of the cardiovascular system functioning plays a basic role to maintenance of the requested working strain at night shifts, while at the day shifts its current functional reserves are in active use. Hence, the necessity of a complete rest for operators at the begining of the night and second consecutive 12-hour shifts is of a special importance.
Key words: cardiovascular system, shift work, working strain
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