3(27) 2011
Mishenko I. A.1, Nazarenko V. I.2, Kolganov A. V.1
1 Institute for Market and Social Policy, Donetsk
2 Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kiev
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A comparative analysis of the effect of acoustic signals of different nature (speech and abstract) with levels 60—65 dBA on the hearing function and biological age of women-operators was carried out. Telephone operators of SI «UTEL» worked with speech signals and operators of seismic forecast worked with abstract ones, which were formed by acoustic processes in the disrupted mountain file and under technological specificity of coal mining. It is found that biological activity of acoustic signals depends on their content (speech or abstract), and maximum changes of hearing (up to 20—25 dB) are marked in the speech range of frequencies (125—2000 Hz). With the growth of the calendar age and the experience of work, the rate of ageing in operators of these professions increase up to 6—9 years, in comparison with the population standard. The conclusions are made on the necessity of further regulation of informatively significant noises and their part in formation of work intensity.
Keywords: noise, intensive work, speech and abstract acoustic signals, hearing threshold, biological age, phone operators, operators of the seismic forecast
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