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4(33) 2012

DOI xxxxxxxx

Varyvonchyk D. V.


SI «Institute for Occupational Health of NAMS of Ukraine», Kyiv

Full article (PDF), RUS

Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is a «tumor-indicator» in the assessment of the exposure of the population to asbestos (first of all — to amphibole). 2 645 cases of MM were officially recorded in Ukraine over 2001—2011 (annual number of cases — 240,5 ± 29,0 men-year). Annual morbidity rates of MM for the population of Ukraine are the following (world standard): men — 0,60 ; women — 0,31 per 100 000 of the total population in the year. Such rates are below the world ones (men — 1,11; women — 0,30) and the rates of the WHO European region (men — 1,53; women — 0,37). The median of age for morbidity of MM for the population of Ukraine between men and women is not different (men — 59,5 ± 13,2; women — 62,6 ± 13,1; p > 0,05). The most frequent localization of MM is the pleura (men — 95,3 %, women — 89,8 %). Ukraine at present can be referred to countries with «low» level (> 0,8 per 100 000 of the total population) and with «moderate» rates (19,0—0,1 %-year) increase of the population morbidity of MM in the WHO European region. The increase of the population morbidity of MM in Ukraine is forecasted by the year 2025 up to 0,97 [0,70 — 1,18] per 100 000 population, and in the WHO European region — by 2,68. 3 cases of morbidity of MM of occupational genesis have been recorded in Ukraine over 1992—2011 (2 of them due to exposure to asbestos dust at workplace). It is recorded in Ukraine high rates of: postmortal diagnostics of MM (men — 17,4 %, women — 15,2), antemortem diagnostics of MM at late stages (HI-IV) of the pathological process (men — 72,0 %, women —69,7%). One-year lethality / median of survival of patients with MM in Ukraine makes: men — 78,9 % / 9,5 months; women — 73,8% / 10,7 months; 5-year survival is minimal: men — 2,8 %, women — 5,4 %. The median of survival decreases in the increase of the stage of disease (minimal in the IV stage — 6 months), however even in the detected MM at the earlier stage (I) it is very low (19,3 months), pointing to high rate of malignancy of the given neoplasm.

Key words: malignant mesothelioma (ММ), asbestos, epidemiology, Ukraine, WHO European region


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