Chemyuk V.I., Vitte P.M.
Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kyiv
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A workers occupational risk of the harmful working conditions was investigated as an urgent modem state problem. This prob¬lem solving serves to creation of new ideology of preventive medicine on the basis of management of risk and predicts the adverse consequences for health. The preventive measures developed on the basis of this ideology become more economically effective and scientifically grounded.The modem methodology for development measures by an estimation of risks and their management has allowed taking into account also complex of social — hygienic and ethical problems. Depending on the quantitative characteristics for a degree of professional health risk differentiation for preventive intervention became possible. The received earlier data have allowed developing measures of preventive maintenance at a level of the person, professional cohorts' or population, which are under influence of a occupational factor.
Key words: occupational risks, harmful working conditions, dose-effect relations, preventive measures
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