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Grechkovskaya N. V.


Shupyk National Medical Academy for Postgraduate Education, Kiev

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Introduction. The system of preventive medical examinations (PME) of employees of enterprises, whose working conditions are associated with exposure to harmful and hazardous factors, is still not perfect. The involved health care organizations have different ownership, administrative subordination with different types of material and technical equipment and staff provision. The evaluation of the quality of medical care was performed by criteria of effectiveness of medical examinations, using the data of questionnaires.

The purpose of the study. To make a comparative assessment of the quality of medical care of workers in medical establishments of different types of ownership and administrative subordination.

Materials and methods. A questionnaire has been developed for studying the patients’ opinion on the quality of medical care. The questioning was conducted in Kyiv in 35 medical establishments, where medical commissions have been organized and are at force. 398 patients have been interviewed. The processing of the data was made by the software package «OSA». The main indices of medical effectiveness were taken from final acts by the resuls of periodic medical examinations within 2009–2013.

Results. Criteria have been distinguished for assessing the quality of medical care, which allowed to define effectiveness of medical examinations by medical commissions of different types of ownership and subordination. The assessment of the quality was made by the following criteria: total number of the examined persons, number of the identified general diseases, number of patients forwarded for treatment, number of workers who need proper employment, number of patients of the dispensary group. The better indices were recorded in establishments with budget financing. The second place is taken by medico-sanitary units, the third – by private medical centres. The study of opinions of workers by the results of questioning showed that 97 % workers, who passed medical examinations in the budget establishments were satisfied with medical care, those in medico-sanitary units made 84 % and in private medical centres – 95 %.

Conclusions. The existing models of health care showed that preventive medical care of the working population is provided by budget establishments – 68,5 %, 17,1 % – by private centres and 14,2 % – by sanitary units. The quality assessment of periodical examinations was made by the following criteria: the total number of the examined persons, the number of the identified general diseases, the number of persons directed for treatment, the number of persons needed the proper employment, the number of patients in the dispensary group. The better indices were recorded in budget establishments. The second place is taken by medico-sanitary units, the third – by medical centres.

Key words: quality of medical care, occupational diseases, working population, medical examinations


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