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Ukrainian journal of occupational health 4(57) 2018

Kapustnyk V. A.1, Zavhorodniy I. V.1, Boeckmann I.2, Litovchenko O. L.1, Lalymenko O. S.1

Experience of international collaboration in solving actual medical and biological problems of occupational health and ecology

1Kharkiv National Medical University

2Magdeburg University named after Otto von Guericke, Germany

Full article (PDF), UKR

Introduction. The multidisciplinarity of scientific problems, which became a subject of investigations in modern occupational medicine, occupational health and ecology, more and more dictates the necessity of establishing creative connections with relevant specialists of foreign, first of all, European, leading educational and scientific institutions and centers.

The purpose of the work is to summarize the results of scientific studies on current medical and biological problems of occupational health and ecology, which are carried out with involvement of mechanisms of international collaboration, including the use of the unified approaches to setting up and conducting experiments, statistical processing of the data, comparative analysis of the results and their testing at international forums.

Materials and methods. The international approach to solving a number of priority problems of modern medicine was used, namely: definition of peculiarities in the development of the state of occupational burnout in workers of socially significant professions; establishing hygienic significance and definition of biological mechanisms of the combined action of physical factors of the environment and work conditions; development of methodological approaches to substantiation of biological maximum permissible concentrations. In order to solve such tasks, which were put in the context of the international collaboration, it was made an Agreement on collaboration between the Chair of Occupational Health at the Medical Faculty of the Magdeburg University named after Otto von Guericke (Germany) and Chairs of Internal and Occupational Diseases; Hygiene and Ecology № 2, of the Kharkiv National Medical University, which has been legally valid since 2012 till present time.

Results. The directions of scientific studies on medical and biological problems of occupational health and ecology are described in the paper, when the tasks are solved with the involvement of mechanisms of the international collaboration. It has been proved that among the workers of socially significant occupations which are exposed to elements of intensive work, there are some symptoms of "burnout" at the level of 42–76 % and the risk of "occupational burnout" at the level of 3–19 % depending on profession, gender, age. In assessing the effect of physical factors of the environment, it was established that the combined effect of electromagnetic radiation and positive low temperatures caused more significant disorders of biochemical and morphological parameters. The methodical basis of biological monitoring of drugs – derivatives of succinic acid was substantiated and the algorithm of differentiated selection of a combination of informative biomarkers was developed for determination of the biological safety level of exposure to these compounds. A biological safety level for an antidiabetic agent in the blood plasma at the level of 11 ng/μl is recommended, which will make it possible to supervise more effectively for sanitary-hygienic control of the influence of this medicinal product in conditions of its industrial production.

Conclusions. The use of the international experience in organizing and conducting studies on actual medical and biological problems in occupational health and ecology has proved its effectiveness at the stages of planning, statistical processing of materials and approbation of the research results at scientific forums.

Кey words: international collaboration, problems of occupational health and ecology, occupational burnout, combined effect of factors, biomonitoring


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ORCID ID of co-authors and their contribution to the preparation and writing of the article:

Kapustnik V.A. (ORCID ID 0000-0002-4543-8343) - definition and implementation of tasks for the establishment of professional burnout in workers of socially significant professions in Ukraine, data analysis, formulation of conclusions;

Zavgorodniy I.V. (ORCID ID 0000-0001-7803-3505) - definition and implementation of tasks for the establishment of professional burn-out of servicemen of parts of logistics; research of mechanisms of the combined action of factors; development of methodology of biological monitoring with the establishment of exposition tests and biomarkers effect in the hygienic regulation of xenobiotics; formulating conclusions; registration of the article;

Beckhelmann I. (ORCID ID 0000-0002-3905-3527) - Definition and implementation of tasks for the establishment of professionalthe burnout of workers of socially significant occupations, including the processing of primary material on the software equipment of the "Viennese test systems" and the statistical processing of research data in Germany;

Lytovchenko O. L. (ORCID ID 0000-0002-5286-1705) - determination of the mechanisms of the combined action of electromagnetic radiation under cold stress conditions, statistical processing of data, data analysis, formulation of conclusions, design of the article;

Lalienko O. S. (ORCID ID 0000-0002-9279-1377) - development of methodology of biological monitoring, determination of exposure tests and effects biomarkers, statistical processing and analysis of data, formulation of conclusions, execution of an article.