Institute of Hygiene and Ecology of the Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract. Pre-sowing seed treatment is an important component of the integrated crop protection system, since it protects plants from major pests at early stages of plant growth. This technique is also promising from the standpoints of hygiene and ecology, since it enables to reduce the number of vegetative plant treatments with insecticides and fungicides.
The range of soy seed protectants is constantly increasing, in particular due to the appearance of complex preparations. In this regard, the problem of seed treatment safe application for personnel involved in treatments as well as for the environment is relevant.
The purposes of the study were hygienic evaluation of the working conditions in treatment and estimation of risk of the environment pollution after soybean seed treatment and sowing the treated beans.
Materials and methods. Methods of the full-scale in-field hygienic experiment, gas-liquid chromatography, and statistical calculations were used in the study.
Results. The content of active substances in the working zone air did not exceed the established hygienic standards during the treatment and subsequent sowing of the treated soybean seeds, no active substances were detected on the skin surface of each worker involved in treatments and sowing.
Conclusion. It was established that application of preparations of different chemical composition (Vibrance; Maxim Advance 195; Celeste Top, 312; Stamina; Standard; Spherico) for soybean seed treatment in agricultural conditions with due account of relevant requirements is safe from the standpoint of occupational hygiene and ecology.
Key words: protectants, working conditions, chromatography, hygienic regulations