Chernyuk V. I., Semeryak O. M.
State Institution "Institute for Occupational Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine", Kyiv
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Introduction. Morbidity of vibration diseases (VDs) is an extensive phenomenon among coal miners. Till present time lesions of peripheral nerves under VD have been studied insufficiently, with the use of modern instrumental methods, in particular.
Such studies are actual for improvement of early diagnostics of VDs.
Purpose of the study is to improve methods of early diagnostics of VD on the basis on an advanced investigation of the functional state of the peripheral nervous system in patients with VD.
Materials and methods. Combined studies on work conditions of operators of modern coal-extraction machines and drivers of electric mine machines have been conducted as well as clinical and instrumental studies of miners with VD, using electroneuromyography (ENMG).
Results. Work conditions of the studied professions are characterized by a combined effect of intensive general vibration and noise. There have been found deep lesions in peripheral nerves of upper and low extremities in patients with VD. Methods of earlier diagnostics have been proposed.
Conclusion. There have been obtained new data on the improvement of methods of earlier diagnostics on VD in miners.
Key words: operators of coal-extraction machines, drivers of electric mine machines, vibration, noise, vibration diseases, electroneuromyorgaphy, diagnostics
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