Nikiforuk O. I.
State Institution "Institute for Occupational Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine", Kyiv
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Introduction. The Earth's magnetic field (geomagnetic field) is one of the most important environmental factors and the necessary background for normal functioning of the human body and animals. The problem of people’s human health and its protection, who are being for a long time in premises exposed to the geomagnetic field (GMF) (airplanes, space vehicles, marine vessels, closed military equipment, underground constructions, metro, etc.) is important for modern occupational science.
The aim of research – to study and summarize the scientific evidence on the impact of the geomagnetic field on humans and animals in order to define further research and hygienic regulation of the mentioned determinant.
Materials and methods of research. The analytical review of scientific publications, using the databases of the PubMed, the National Library named after V.I. Vernadsky, State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine, National Medical Library of Ukraine.
Results. It is found that GMF is an essential factor of the modern surroundings and work environment, which in conditions of various metal-shielding structures is able to adversely affect the human body, leading to structural and functional changes and to potential risks of incurring adverse effects. Depending on the degree of GMF weakening and the duration of staying in this environment there can be developed adaptive, stress and compensatory reactions or irreversible pathological changes. According to the literature data, nervous and immune systems are critical systems for GMF exposure. Current views on biological effects of the hypogeomagnetic field fail to assess and predict all unacceptable consequences. So, additional studies of its effect are necessary.
Conclusions. The most promising directions in the study of the effect of the hypogeomagnetic field is to study acute effects and results of chronic influences of low levels of GMF on the human body and to identify corresponding markers of their biological action. The effect of the weakened GMF in Ukraine needs further regulation and development of preventive measures.
Кey words: geomagnetic field, biological objects, human body, laboratory animals, hygienic regulation
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