Ukrainian journal of occupational health 3-4 2005
Hygienic characteristics of workers employed in methyl-trebutyl ether production working conditions and their state of health
Yavorovskyy O.P., Paustovskyy Yu.O., Veremey M.I., Zenkina V.I., Drobotenko V.A.
National O.O.Bohomolets Medical University, Kyiv Department of occupational hygiene and industrial diseases
Full article (PDF), UKR
In the article are adduced facts, characterizing manufacturing process of methyl-tretbutyl (MTBE), which is doped to petrols instead of tetraethyl lead. There was determined the category of working conditions according to «Hygienic classification of work accordingly industrial environment hazard and danger indices, working process severity and intensity factors (the State Standard 3.3.5-3.3.8; 6.6.1-083-2003). The workers’ engaged in the given industry state of health according to data of mor-bidity with temporary disability and results of in-depth medical examination were examined. There were outlined directions of future manufacturing and hygienic studies at the Ukrainian factories, carrying out industrial synthesis of MTBE in order to develop measures for prevention of occupational diseases and to decrease industrially induced diseases level.
Key words: methyl-tretbutyl ether production, hygienic assessment of manufacturing process and working conditions, workers’ state of health, preventive measures.
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