3-4 '2005
Lakhno V. A.
Hygienic characteristics of work conditions of physicians on occupational health of children and adolescents
Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. Simpheropol, Crimea
Full article (PDF), RUS
The article represents the data of hygienic, psychophisiological, and social investigations on the assessment of work condi¬tions and the character of work of SES (sanitary and epidemiological station) physicians on occupational health of children and adolescents, taking the Crimea region as an example. The assessment of work was given according to the hygienic clas¬sification (2001). It was established that work activity of these physicians is related on the strain, high responsibility for the health and life of children, on the effect of physical, chemical and biological factors.
Key words: work conditions, character of work, SES physicians on occupational health of children and adolescents
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