Kundiiev Yu.I, Chernyuk V.I., Kucheruk T.K., Karakashyan A.N., Chuj T.S., Salnykova N.A., Pyatnytsa-Gorpynchenko N.K.
Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Full article (PDF), UKR
A comprehensive hygienic characteristic of work conditions of representatives of main occupations in the asbestos-cement production is given. The leading role of dust loads related on the effect of chrysotile asbestos and the significance of the con¬comitant factors (heating microclimate, heaviness of the performed work) in the formation of the exposure dust doses with¬in a shift is highlighted. The possibility of the controlled use of chrysotile asbestos being safe for the human health is discussed.
Key words: asbestos-cement production, chrysotile asbestos, exposure dust dose, preventive measures
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