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4(8) '2006

Tsapko V.G, Chudnovets A.Ya., Sterenbogen M.Yu.


Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kiev

Full article (PDF), RUS

Among harmful factors of the work environment in agriculture a biological factor is one of the main covering a wide spectrum of biological agents able to unfavorably affect the human health and being a risk factor in development of work-related dis¬eases. Biological agents can be of different origin and are differed by the mechanism of their action on the human health and animals. The list of such factors is constantly increasing. The actuality and the need in conducting studies and developing rec-ommendations directed at improvement of the working environment are highlighted as well as the necessity to decrease the level of a potential hazard for workers of this production.

Key words: agriculture, working environment, biological factor, bioaerosol, biological agents, work-related diseases


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