1SI "Institute of Occupational Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine", Kyiv
2National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P. L. Shupik, Kyiv
Introduction. So far, Ukraine has not carried out a comprehensive assessment of hygienic conditions of work and health of dental care workers in the use of modern medical technologies, and accordingly, a risk-oriented system for prevention of workrelated pathology in employees of this specialized health service has not been developed.
The purpose of the research is to determine the state of hygienic work conditions of employees of the dental service in the use of modern medical technologies.
Materials and methods. Hygienic studies of work conditions were conducted in 2016-2017 on the basis of the communal enterprise "Stomatology of Svyatoshinsky district in Kyiv" at workplaces of dentists (therapist, surgeon, orthopedist, orthodontist) and in the laboratory of the dental technician. A твhygienic estimation of work conditions was made, taking into account the effect of industrial dust, emission of nanoparticles (1–100 nm) into the air of the working zone, chemical composition of nanodispersed dust, infrasound, noise of local vibration, microclimate, monochromatic optical radiation in the "violet" range (λ = 420–480 nm), the light environment of natural and artificial lighting), aeroionization (by light aeroions), severity and intensity of the work process, and a biological factor.
Results. It has been established that general conditions of work of dentists and dental technicians are "harmful" of 2nd and 3rd degree (2– 3.3 classes of work conditions (CWC). Taking into account the biological factor for dermatologists they are "dangerous" (grade 4). The main productive harmful and dangerous factors are: biological factors – HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis (CWC-4), pathogens of purulent inflammatory diseases (CWC – 3.3); nano-dispersed dust (with high content of silicon, calcium, chromium) (CWC – 3.1–3.3); physical factors: illumination (CWC – 3.1–3.2), noise (CWC – 3.1), microclimate (CWC – 3.1), ionization of air (CWC – 3.1) 3.1); intensity (CWC – 3.1–3.2) and severity of work (CWC – 3.2).
Conclusions. Doctors-dentists and dental technicians are exposed at workplace to harmful and dangerous factors of working conditions, which increase the risk of occurrence of their morbidity with temporary loss of work-related capacity and occupational pathology. The data obtained are the basis for development of measures on primary and secondary prevention of work-related and occupational pathology among dental care workers and for further in-depth medical and social study of their health status.
Ключевые слова: health care, dentistry, doctors-dentists, dentist technicians, hygienic conditions