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Hygienic assessment of the impact of working conditions at workplaces of coal and asbestos-processing industry workers. Andrushchenko T. A., Soloviov A. I., Martinovskaya T. Y., Chuy T. S., Goncharov A. E.

Ukrainian journal of occupational health 4(57) 2018

Andrushchenko T. A., Soloviov A. I., Martinovskaya T. Y., Chuy T. S., Goncharov A. E.

Hygienic assessment of the impact of working conditions at workplaces of coal and asbestos-processing industry workers

State Institution "Kundiiev Institute of Occupational Health of the NAMS of Ukraine", Kyiv

Full article (PDF), UKR

Introduction. A risk-oriented approach to the hygienic assessment of the characteristics of the influence of production factors and health indicators of workers in industries with hazardous working conditions is considered the most promising among specialists in occupational medicine. The role of various occupational factors among the causes that cause or change the frequency and course of professionally determined pathology among workers in coal mining and asbestos processing has not been fully established.

The purpose of the study is to hygienic assessment of working conditions at workplaces of workers in the main professions of the coal and asbestos-processing industries.

Materials and methods of research. Information retrieval and analytical: the study of literary sources, sanitary and hygienic characteristics of working conditions, scientific reports; hygienic: generalization of the results of industrial research of the working conditions of workers of asbestos-cement plants and miners of coal mines (n = 215).

Results. The general hygienic assessment of working conditions by the maximum amount of points (19–20) indicates that the workplaces of the main occupations of coal mines: sinkers, cleanup face miners (lava) and miners on jackhammers have harmful working conditions according to the criteria of State Sanitary of norms and rules "Hygienic classification of labor according to indicators of hazard and danger of factors of the working environment, severity and intensity of the labor process", approved by order of the Ministry of Health I am of Ukraine dated 04/08/2014 No. 248. In the workplaces of workers of the main professions of asbestos-cement plants: asbestos dosing, operator of the harvesting department, driver of sheet forming machine, crane operator (crane operator), the sum of points from 7 to 9 indicates less harmful working conditions compared with coal miners.

Conclusions. The impact on the body of workers of excessive concentrations of dust mainly fibrogenic action, adverse parameters of the microclimate and emotional stress, is characteristic of both groups studied. The influence of dangerous and harmful levels of vibration, noise, and heavy physical labor (beyond the integrated assessment) is more characteristic of the main professional groups of miners in coal mines: sinkers employed in the combine and / or brown-blasting technology of mine workings, miners ), miners on jackhammers.

Key words: coal industry, asbestos industry, production factors, hygienic assessment, working conditions


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ORCID ID of co-authors and their contribution to the preparation and writing of the article:

Andrushchenko T.A. (ORCID ID 0000-0003-2858-8267) - review of literature, material collection, analysis of research results;

Solovyov O.I. (ORCID ID 0000-0002-1226-9715) - material collection, analysis of research results, conclusions;

Martynovska T.Yu. - collection of material, analysis of research results;

Chui T. S. - collection of material, analysis of research results;

Goncharov O. E. (ORCID ID 0000-0002-6353-9455) - the formation of tables, the analysis of individual provisions, the preparation of the article for printing.