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Yanushkyavichus V.1, Dumchene A.2


1Institute of Biomedical Studies of Kaunas Medical University

2L'ithuanian Academy of Physical Culture

Full article (PDF), RUS

Any human activity is associated with certain physical efforts as a result of which, especially in irrational movements, disor-ders of muscular-skeletal system, arms, neck, shoulders, back and legs can be developed. In some studies the problem of occupational diseases of nurses is not put at all.Disorders of muscular-skeletal system, caused by cumulative effect of physical loads as a result of activity related with the care of patients, are often recorded.. The majority of nurses and other medical personnel feel tired afterthe shift, and some ofthem are often very tired. More than a half of respondents, suffering from back pains, feel great fatigue after work. Half of respon¬dents relate the occurrence of lumbar pains to improper work posture. A statistically significant cause-relationship has been established between the occurrence of the most characteristic painful feelings and ergonomic work conditions. In order to decrease the impact of ergonomic work conditions on the state of health of nurses and other medical personnel it is necessary to decrease physical loads at work, and, most important, to train the personnel in proper methods of work and to develop their skills aimed at increasing work efficiency.

Key words: nurses, work efficiency, physical load, fatigue


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