Gvozdenco I.А., Cherednichenco I.M., Nazarenco V.I., Posilskiy O.O.
Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kyiv
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An experiment on the effect of irradiation on the human hip skin area for determination of the biodose was conducted with the aim to determine individual characteristics of the human body. The irradiation of 44—56 W/m2 intensity in UV-A diapa¬son and of 3, 2—3, 6 W/m2 in UV-B diapason was simulated. It was established that body reaction on the UV-radiation depended on the thickness of the horny layer, on the number of Langerhans cells in the granular stratum as well as on the characteristics of the water-emulsified film covering the skin.
Key words: UV-radiation, biodose, skin
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