ISSN 2223-6775 Ukrainian journal of occupational health Vol.15, No 2, 2019
Trachtenberg I.M., Dmytrukha N.M.
State Institution "Kundiiev Institute of Occupational Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine", Kiev
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Introduction Industrial toxicology is an important part of preventive medicine, its main task is to study characteristics and mechanisms of the toxic effects of various chemical factors - industrial and environmental pollutants, development of early criteria for diagnosis of intoxications, search for effective means of preventing and treating occupational and work-related diseases of chemical genesis.
The purpose was to present the results of studies obtained in the laboratory of industrial toxicology and occupational health on the use of chemicals over the years of its activity, on their theoretical and practical significance in preservation of the health of the working population.
Materials and methods. The results of the research activities of the laboratory in the main scientific areas are summarized, the analysis of significant scientific publications of the staff is carried out, their theoretical and practical significance for preventive medicine is determined, and prospects for further research have been outlined.
Results. The most important scientific achievements of the laboratory for 45 years of its activity are: development of a classification, principles of toxicological and hygienic assessment of metal corrosion inhibitors, polymer compositions of cutting fluids, drugs and substantiation of hygienic measures; establishment of patterns and peculiarities of the impact of low concentrations of mercury vapor on humans and the environment, development of a complex of de-mercuration measures; establishing the relationship between elements of the adaptive response and "breakdown" in the body in response to various environmental factors; determination of the criteria on assessing the norm, adaptation, prepathology and pathology of chemical genesis; studies on the toxic effect of heavy metals, determination of the criteria on cardio-vasotoxic and immunotoxic action, assessment of the age-related characteristics of adaptive reactions and pathological processes; scientific substantiation of expediency, experimental and clinical confirmation of the effectiveness in the use of means of preventing the negative effects of heavy metals on the body; introduction of alternative models and test systems in toxicological studies; development of the assessment algorithm and criteria for characterizing the potential hazard level of metal nanoparticles and other nanomaterials. More than 600 papers were published on specific problems of toxicology and occupational health in production and use of chemicals, of which 25 were monographs, manuals, textbooks, and more than 40 dissertations were defended.
Conclusion. Over the years of the laboratory's existence, a combination of toxicological and hygienic studies are performed to assess the safety of various chemical compounds, the results have been obtained that are important for the theory and practice of preventive medicine, occupational health and toxicology.
Keywords: industrial toxicology, chemical factors, adaptation, pathology, prevention, alternative methods, nanotoxicology
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ORCID ID of co-authors and their contribution in preparation and writing the article:
Trakhtenberg I.M. (ORCID ID 0000-0003-1086-8279) – formation of the concept and the content of the paper, conclusion.
Dmytrukha N.M. (ORCID ID 0000-0001-9161-3889) – substantiation of the material of many-year studies, writing the article.