Dmytrukha N.N.1, Lugovskyi S.P.2
1 Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kyiv,
2 Institute of Industrial Medicine Kryvyj Rig
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The lead intoxication was simulated in male white rats. The state of body nonspecific resistance was assessed in rats after 25 intraperitonial injections of lead acetate at the dose of 2.5 mg/kg body weight. It was established the change of the phagocyt¬ic activity and oxidative-reduction processes in blood neutrophyles, high level of immune complexes in blood serum of ex-perimental animals as compared with the control. Histological studies show changes in kidney structural components with immune complexes deposits in the capsule cavity of kidney bodies, on the walls of capillaries of kidney balls and in arteries of the cerebral laye. The changes of immunological indexes of the peripheral blood in the rats exposed to lead is likely to be con-sidered as early criteria of lead toxic effect on the body and also be acknowledge of the participation immune processes in for-mation of kidney pathology in lead intoxication.
Key words: lead acetate, immunotoxicity, lead intoxication
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