Nazarenko V.I., Chebanova O.V., Cvozdenko L.A., Martirosova V.C.
SI «Institute for Occupational Health of AMS of Ukraine, Kiev
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A study of the magnetic field (MF) exposure of industrial frequency (50 Hz) in combination with other industrial factors of main occupations in up-to-day sewing industry was conducted, as well as the analysis of the state of health of workers by objective (temporary morbidity rates) and subjective (complaints of the state of health) parameters. According to levels of magnetic induction «B» it is possible to distinguish three professionally exposed group of workers: controllers of the finished
products (0,1-0,3 mkT), thermal process operators (0,3—1,0 mkT), seamers (1,0-2,1 mkT). There are factors, levels of which do not meet sanitary norms: increased, in most cases, and in warm and cold periods of the year, relative air humidity, work strain with primary loads on the visual system, intensity of work, resulting in multiple body inclinations. In accordance with the general evaluation, conditions and character of work in main occupations of the sewing industry shoujd be referred to Class 3.1. (harmful) by the Hygienic Classification of Work (2001). Parameters of the temporary morbidity (TM) in the sewing industry, depending on cases (99,1 +2,2) and days (1132 + 21), exceeded similar parameters as compared with light industry data in Kiev in general by 1,4—1,6 times over the same period (p < 0,01). In TM structure in the sewing industry the leading place both by cases and by days was taken by respiratory diseases (60,7 ± 1,9 % and 45,0 ± 3,2 %, respectively), the second place — diseases of the blood circulation system, making 7,8 ±0,71 % by cases and 11,0 ± 0,77 % by days, The number of diseases of other classes (VI, XI, XIII, XIV for MKX-10) did not practically differ and made 4,2—5,9 % y cases and 5,2 — 6,3 % by days. Among seamers, in comparison with groups less exposed to 50 Hz of thermal process operators and controllers, the essential increase (by 1,7—2,2 times) in the number of complaints of diseases of the blood circulation system was marked, correlating with levels of the magnetic field and work strain (p < 0,05).
Key words: sewing industry, work environmental factors, magnetic field of industrial frequency, seamers, health
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